Sunday, January 22, 2012

Showing Status when a Button is Clicked

Lets say your button Id is  "regBtn",then to display some message when some1 clicks on register button,write the following in click() event

function regBtn_Click(eventObject)
    application.setStatus("Please Wait...We are registering You");

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How to see the data present in Model in XML form

Lets assume,you have drag and drop certain WebServices into UI.
A Default Model will be created for that.
That model default behavior is automatic,Means when the page is loaded,it will do the task wat it  is intended for.
If the Webservices was made to fetch the data from db,it will do it automatically,
If Certain record has to be updated with static data,it will do it automatically.

To see the data present in Model in XML form,use this approach


Assuming GetAllEmployeesModel is the model name,ie created when u dragdrop getAllEmployees() related webservice